IMAGINATION-What are you imagining? I had little idea of what I was going to talk about until I was on a hike today. I often do my best thinking while hiking and I often imagine ideas or thoughts along the way. The value of imagination came to mind as I believe it creates the vision we see in our lives, future, job, or family. Children have an enormous imagination and as we age we lose the unpredictability and freedom of simply imagining things without already knowing what they are. I talk about the light bulb, the airplane, the internet and the cell phone…someone had to break out of the barriers and imagine you talking on the phone from your car, while you are walking, or in an airport. The point being is, imagination doesn’t end. The sky is the limit so imagine away with anything you wish. Imagine what it would be like to have peace around the world. There may not be a vision but there is plenty of imagination to go around. AND, when you imagine, it is simply enjoyable to imagine that thought!