

So many entrepreneurs and leaders talk about vision, the importance of it, the value of it and how you work toward it. I couldn’t agree more. Imagination is what you create that actually ignites your vision.

Isn’t a vision something you can actually see and move toward? But, what if you can’t see your vision right now? What if the vision you “had” is no longer prevalent or achievable? As in a cloudy day, the sun is always there and just beyond the clouds but you can’t quite view it.

Not to worry. Don’t thwart your vision. The vision you had before COVID-19 is still there. If you did not have one then, now is the time to create one. I recognize the challenge of forming your vision when you have little idea of what life or your business will be like beyond this time. Can you prepare? Can you have a plan? Yes, to some degree with what you know TODAY. But, be prepared to PIVOT as the days unfold, your vision becomes more clear and you are on the move.

Consider my Itty Bitty book, Achieving your potential: 15 empowering steps to reach each summit. This book will help you identify your goal, vision, dream or “summit” and move you to the next level. Make your life count; go for what you want!