ASSUMPTIONS can be dangerous

ASSUMPTIONS can be dangerous

When was the last time you made an ASSUMPTION about someone or something? We do it all of the time. We can’t possibly know what is going on in the minds or lives or other people. However, often times we take it personally when people don’t behave, act, or fit in the mold we assume them to hold. We assume women and men are a certain way, that all doctors are smart, that all homeless people are losers, that people who don’t email us or return our messages dislike us or are mad at us. Assumptions about people and events can be dangerous if we let me negatively impact our thoughts. Consider asking questions or waiting until the people or situation changes to reduce the lure of an assumption. What kinds of things do you assume regularly that have gotten you into trouble?

Dogsledding and PURPOSE:  What’s the connection?

Dogsledding and PURPOSE: What’s the connection?

What can DOGSLEDDING teach us about our purpose? The dogs attached to the sleds seem to know their purpose and there is no stopping them. After a good breakfast, they are raring to move and pull the sleds through the snow and into the woods. They were simply meant to do this. I wonder if the excitement they have is because they know what their purpose/WHY is? There is a relationship between knowing your purpose and the motivation and energy that follows. What a neat example to be around these dogs and the enthusiasm they demonstrate….all stemming from knowing their purpose.



TRANSFORMATION is the chosen word today. It’s not your average word and not your average process. Change has some similarities to transformation, but doesn’t take the necessary time to make lasting impacts. I use play-doh in this video to illustrate the process it takes to use your gifts and talents to transform your life OR other people’s lives. You have gifts…you really do but don’t stop with change. It requires time to get to transformation. Make this year a year for transformation!

IMAGINATION:  What is the benefit?

IMAGINATION: What is the benefit?

IMAGINATION-What are you imagining? I had little idea of what I was going to talk about until I was on a hike today. I often do my best thinking while hiking and I often imagine ideas or thoughts along the way. The value of imagination came to mind as I believe it creates the vision we see in our lives, future, job, or family. Children have an enormous imagination and as we age we lose the unpredictability and freedom of simply imagining things without already knowing what they are. I talk about the light bulb, the airplane, the internet and the cell phone…someone had to break out of the barriers and imagine you talking on the phone from your car, while you are walking, or in an airport. The point being is, imagination doesn’t end. The sky is the limit so imagine away with anything you wish. Imagine what it would be like to have peace around the world. There may not be a vision but there is plenty of imagination to go around. AND, when you imagine, it is simply enjoyable to imagine that thought!
An Interview of ME

An Interview of ME

On a hike to Bergen Peak, near Evergreen Colorado, Jennifer interviewed me about how I became a Business Coach. As a former University Professor, I did a lot of informal coaching with college students. Once I received my Coaching certification through the John Maxwell Team, I started my own business. Although I provide suggestions and advice, my style of coaching is asking questions to unearth the answers you already have. I listen for themes and point out what I hear in order to direct you in the direction you wish to move toward. Reach out if you are ready to step out and move to the next level.  
Do you have IMPOSTER Thoughts?

Do you have IMPOSTER Thoughts?

Do you like a really good suspense movie? I love them and often times they include people who are acting as imposters: those con men or women who try to trick people into behaving or believing in a certain way. I consider fear, doubt and anxiety as imposter thoughts. These are the thoughts that trick us into believing we really are afraid or we can’t do something or that we are not smart enough.
We all have imposter thoughts but the question is how do we keep them from prowling around in our brain? I offer up a few ways in this video that may be helpful to you.
1. Help someone else which takes your mind of yourself and on to others
2. Get out in the sunshine and nature.  There is such healing in nature. 
3. Write down positive thought next to your imposter thought ( i.e., instead of I can’t say I can or I will).
4. Give your imposter thought a hard name to say.  For me it is shoulder surgery.  It makes me giggle since I can’t say it more than twice without making a mess. Tell it there is no room in your brain. Example: Ms. shoulder surgery you are not welcome today or ever in my brain.
What would you name your imposter?