Have you ever awakened on the “wrong” side of the bed in the past? This cliché refers to your day not starting off well and it seems to increase the problem as the day unfolds.

Have you thought about how you are starting your day? What are some things that you do to improve the odds that your day will unfold in a smooth and more calculated manner? Consider the word “promise.” Have you ever promised a friend, your child, spouse or partner something and just by saying “I promise” sends the message of following through with greater importance? It even puts the word goal on a different level as a promise gives more strength to the outcome.

What are some promises or non-negotiable things that you do or will do to begin your day on the right foot. For me, it is getting up early in the morning, having quiet time to read or write, and ensuring I exercise in the morning. For others it may be making your bed, or having coffee, or thinking about your to do list, or meditation or a yoga time. This time is for you ONLY; time that you are unwilling to give up in order to get your day going in the right direction for you.

Let’s begin tomorrow with your non-negotiable promises. The consistency you deliver day after day, the more importance you give to your promises. Track your progress as you discover how you respond to others and how productive you will be at the end of the day.